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BBC Childrens and Young Peoples Plan.pdf

We are proud to say the new Children, Young People and their Families Plan for Bedford Borough (PDF) has been written by children and young people for children and young people. Over the past three years, we have taken every opportunity to listen to children and young people in Bedford Borough, so that we can understand what really matters to them: the things that they enjoy and are proud of, and the things that they feel would make their lives better and safer. The front cover shows an artist’s representation of the brilliant responses we received at the 2019 Pupil Voice Conference.

We gathered feedback from children and young people and organised into six key themes. The Child Health and Wellbeing Partnership Group (organisations that work with children and young people in Bedford Borough) then consulted with the adults who work directly with children and young people to ensure that their views were also heard.

The themes are:

Feeling safe at home and in our community.

Valuing and protecting the environment.

Positive educational experiences for all.

Strong and safe relationships.

Good physical and mental health with supportive pathways.

Listening and responding to the voice and lived experience of all children and young people, including early years.